◆ 特色:
◆ 成份:
死海鹽,角蛋白,植物保濕因子,天然草本香氛,優質防腐劑,水 …
◆ 功能:
死海鹽 ─死海高礦物含下述礦物質,協同效應,活躍生機
.硫磺 ─消毒、殺菌、驅雜菌、防牛蜱、皮膚保健
.溴化物 ─治療及消毒作用及鬆弛神經緊張
.鋅 ─加速傷口痊癒
.鎂 ─改善過敏體質,穏定及抗敏感功能
.鉀 ─改善皮下組織水份分佈,活躍新陳代謝
.鈣 ─平衡體內細胞礦物質分佈,舒緩肌膚
.鈉及鉀 ─改善受傷組織細胞傷兵進出並運送能源
◆ 使用說明:
1. 配合死海鹽潔毛啫喱沖洗乾淨後
2. 把護毛素施於掌心,濕潤後推平,均勻塗抹於寵物毛髮身上按摩5-8分鐘
3. 用溫水徹底沖洗乾淨,吹乾即可。
.Long-lasting shin and bright
.Detangles knots
.Non-greasy feeling
.Overall enhancement of healthiness of fur.
◆Dead Sea Miracle for Pets
For thousands of years, people have traveled from far and wide to visit one of the most remarkable natural wonders in the world and its health benefits were known since ancient times. The unique healing properties of dead sea products are attributed to the exceptionally high mineral contents found in Dead sea salt & mud. Its time to indulge your beloved little creatures in SPA Organic mineral therapy.
◆Minerals Enriched Pet Conditioner contains minerals necessary for healthy growth of skin and coat. It is concentration of dead sea minerals revives coat and nourishes skin.
Dead Sea Minerals, Dimethicone, Quarterniunm Compounds, Keratin Protein, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Distilled water, Herbal Fragrance.
After shampooing, apply conditioner from tail to head. Gently massage deep into coat and skin. Allow to remain on pet for up to 5 minutes. Rinse well. Safe for frequent use.
◆Store in a cool, dry place, below 30°C